
Ahh okay so I've missed the last few weeks BUT I have a valid excuse.. I was in Hawaii!
It was my first time going to the USA and we went to Honolulu. Within Honolulu we went to two areas; Turtle Bay and Waikiki.

We first arrived at Turtle Bay.

This is where my Dad and his girlfriend of 12 years got married. Turtle Bay is a great beach town and i absolutely loved it!
We ventured onto Waikiki, which is a much larger city with great shopping and a great beach!

Reading beauty blogs and watching American youtubers, i was very excited about the shopping. Bath and Body works, Forever 21 and the all famous.. Sephora da da da! And of course just normal supermarket makeup because it is seriously half the price than in my homeland, Australia.

Being from a small town in rural Australia, shopping in these types of places was ah-mazing!

So yes, this is the reason I haven't posted any blog posts but due to all of the makeup shopping there will be a lot of reviews!
